Austria Citizenship by Investment- Citizenship in 2-3 Years- The Desired Program for CBI


Austria Citizenship by Investment- Citizenship in 2-3 Years- The Desired Program for CBI

Minimum contribution of EUR 3 million/ INR 27 Crores

Benefits & Requirements

Key Benefits

·      As a citizen of Austria, you can live and work in the country and anywhere else in the EU at any time.

·      The Austrian passport has an excellent reputation and offers very comprehensive visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel, including visa-free access to the USA. It is without a doubt among the best travel documents in the world.

·      When you acquire citizenship under the Austrian Citizenship Act, you and your family enjoy full citizenship for life, which can be passed on to future generations by descent.


·      Under the citizenship-by-investment provisions, an applicant is required to invest actively in the Austrian economy, for example in the form of a joint venture or direct investment in a business that creates jobs or generates new export sales. Significant direct investment is generally required. Passive investments in government bonds or real estate, for example, do not qualify.

·      In addition to standard documentary requirements (such as passports, birth, and marriage certificates), a completely clean personal record (certificate of no criminal record), a comprehensive CV, and business background information, as well as impeccable references must be provided by all applicants.

·      The Austrian Citizenship Act generally requires the applicant to abandon their current citizenship as a precondition for being granted Austrian citizenship. However, in case of a grant of citizenship under the provisions of Article 10 (6) of the Citizenship Act, the former citizenship can be legally maintained, that is, the applicant may not be required to give up their present citizenship.

The granting of citizenship is at the sole discretion of the Government of the Republic of Austria

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